Minecraft Server

starting from 2,80 € / mo

You would like to test our Minecraft servers first? Feel free to join our Minecraft Server which is hosted on our Game Server host systems.

Address: minecraft.verosent.net
Available Minecraft Versions

Verosent will always offer you the latest available versions of Minecraft, so that you can immediately update your server to be compatible with the latest Minecraft version. The switch between versions is intentionally designed very simple. Please find below a list of all supported versions. We can easily extend the list at any time with older Minecraft versions - just reach out to us via a support ticket.

Minecraft: 77 Game Versions

Minecraft (Spigot): 36 Game Versions

Minecraft (Paper): 32 Game Versions

Minecraft (Forge): 54 Game Versions

Minecraft (Bedrock): (always the latest version)

Flexible Game Switching

You purchase one Game Server and you may switch between games at any time. The following games can be installed on your Game Server:

Game Requirements
ARK: Survival Evolved Min. Game Server RAM: 4 GB
Minecraft -
Minecraft (Bedrock) -
Minecraft (Feed the Beast): Infinity Evolved Min. Game Server RAM: 5 GB
Minecraft (Forge) -
Minecraft (Paper) -
Minecraft (Spigot) -
Rust Min. Game Server RAM: 4 GB
Valheim Min. Game Server RAM: 4 GB

Premium Hardware

We guarantee premium hardware by default without any additional costs. (read more)

Own IP Address per Game Server

Your Game Server will be given an own IP address without any additional costs. You can connect to your Game Server by using the default server port of the game.

Backup System

We backup your Game Server files every 24 hours to prevent any data loss. Additionally, you can create manual backups via our control panel at any time. Applying backups is very easy and there's just one click required!

Database Included

We give every Game Server access to one SSD based MySQL database, which can be managed via the database administration tool phpMyAdmin. The database itself is hosted on the same server as your Game Server to increase the connection speed. Accessing the database is also possible from remote (like a webspace that is hosted on a different server). This gives you the ability to connect to your database from a webspace or any other tool.

DDoS Protection

We protect your server against DDoS attacks, so that you can just continue playing! (read more)

Only Prepaid

Verosent does not bind customers to a contract with a minimum contract period. Since you pay for a given period of time, the server will just expire and will not renew itself. If you'd like to extend the lifetime of your server, you can just extend it in the control panel - as you like! We do not require our customers to pay possible fees that come from a third-party payment provider. Verosent takes over those additional fees.

Solution Oriented Support

We never leave customers alone with their issues. The Verosent support is working solution oriented to help our customers to solve their problems in a fast and efficient way! See what our customers are saying on Trustpilot. (click)

We love Gaming!

We want our customers to enjoy the time on their servers. As we love to play games as well, we do very much understand the frustration that can come with unnecessary server lags or performance drops. We are therefore committed to provide you a gaming experience you never will forget!

Screenshots from our customer center